Le regard du spectateur et son pouvoir, l’envie de partager et la rencontre entre performeur et spectateur. En pleine lumière, sans rien de caché, sans possibilité de se dérober.
Leen Van Dommelen
Leen Van Dommelen a obtenu son Master en arts visuels de l’Académie des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles et l’ISAC Arba-Esa. Son travail cherche la confrontation avec le regard.
Dramaturge: Damla Ekin Tokel. Coordination technique: Hans Van Wambeke. Costumière: Jot Fau.
2020/03/031900 |
03.03.2020 19:00 > 19:45
Studio Thor, Brussels
Installation : 15’. Performance : +- 30’
Melody Boulaert, Anita De Laforêt, Coraline Guilbeau, Gabriel Fellous, Malsy Klasen, Aurore Morillon, Édouard Pagant, Gladys Siddi, Romain Tallet, Leen Van Dommelen. Curator : Antoine Pickels.
Since several years, visual arts schools in French-Speaking Belgium dedicate part of their curriculum to live art: a response to the new dynamics of these practices in the professional field. One can see new generations of artists appearing, taking over the Belgian and international scenes of performance art, with individual or collective works, multiplying collaborations… They don’t make performance art like their elders, they invent new forms, which need new showing spaces.
ENSAV – La Cambre, Erg, Le SeptanteCinq, ARBA/ESA (ISAC), Arts2, ESAVL, Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles à Paris.