
Inspired by the myth of the Holy Grail, this “danced tale” in the spirit of the Russian choreo-dramas from the dawn of the 20th century, broaches the question of environmental, mental and political ecology.


While Thierry Smits usually prefers that dancers incarnate concepts, here, they are also actors engaged in a theatricalized story. The characters involved, a royal couple and three knights, evolve against a deliberately narrative soundtrack that oscillates between contemporary compositions and techno or Celtic music. During a feast, the queen is offended. She loses her taste for dance; her subsequent unhappiness instigated sterility throughout the land. Powerless, the king summons three knights who embark upon different quests, culminating in a fight with the dragon and succeed, together, in making the queen dance once again. The monarch and the kingdom are thus resurrected. The choreographic language eclectically combines a gestural language akin to pantomime, classical accents, dance steps inspired by Celtic folklore and contemporary ruptures.



Inspired by the myth of the Holy Grail, this “danced tale” in the spirit of the Russian choreo-dramas from the dawn of the 20th century, broaches the question of environmental, mental and political ecology.


1993/02/24 24.02 > 01.03.1993 Palais des Beaux-Arts Charleroi
1993/03/03 03 > 06.03.1993 Théâtre de la Balsamine Brussels
1993/03/13 13.03.1993 De Werf Alost
1993/03/26 26 > 27.03.1993 Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles Paris (FR)


— Chorégraphie

Thierry Smits

— Dramaturgie et mise en scène

Antoine Pickels

— Interprétation

Kitty Kortes Lynch, Oliver Koch, Filip van Huffel, Marc Vanrunxt, Jordi L. Vidal

— Photographies

Stephen Sack


— Musique

The Chieftains, Benjamin Britten, Bonnie Shaljean, Piiobaireachd, Nikolas Klau

— Son, mixage, édition

Nikolas Klau

— Costumes

Nadine Lannaux

— Directeur technique

Fred Op de Beeck


— Assistante chorégraphe

Jacqueline Sente

— Production

Compagnie Thor

— Coproduction

Charleroi/Danses, Centre chorégraphique de la Communauté française (direction: Frédéric Flamand), in realisation with Théâtre de la Balsamine

— Avec le soutien de

Ministère de la Culture et des Affaires Sociales - Service de la Musique et de la Danse; Commission Communautaire Française de la région de Bruxelles-capitale, Théâtre Contemporain de la Danse (Paris), et l'aide de la fondation Beaumarchais

