In this remarkable performance perfectly controlled by a solitary female dancer onstage, ReVolt explores protest movements, notably those linked to angry women who want to uphold their rights and get out from under the submissive state to which male domination has often relegated them.
Here, we witness how a strong personality revolts, an individual who tries to go beyond the limits of what have been assigned to her, often through violence. Her insubordinate body is the instrument of expression through which the struggle, which is far from hopeless, is waged. Initially, we witness how badly it has been abused, how it has resisted with ever more bruises, but above all we come to understand, through this utterly uncompromising solo, just to what extent it entangles a woman, who with strength and determination, struggles alone. No whistle-blowing techniques, no battered women’s centres, no media support and no police or legal protection are needed for this admirable person who stands up for herself and shouts out her resistance.