If animals are artists, how do and can we perform together?

Rencontre théorique

11h-12h30: workshop “Hypnose interespèces” by Marie Lisel. Only by reservation at festivaltrouble@thor.be

12h30-13h30: lunch break

13h30-15h30: introduction by Lucille Calmel & conference by Clyde Lepage: “L’art de la performance avec/pour/par les animaux non-humains – pratiques amateurs, scientifiques et artistiques“. Also available online.

15h30-16h: performance FLAIR by Alexane Sanchez & Walter

Lucille Calmel is a performer, director, author, digital artist, researcher and teacher. Since her arrival in Brussels in 2005, she has worked on collaborations, research and programming in the flesh and/or online involving performance, sound and visual poetry, experimental music and digital scenes. In 2015, she was invited for a digital retrospective at the Centre Puertas de Castilla in Murcia (ES) and in 2019 published the monograph when i’m bad i’m better, edited by Antoine Pickels and remixed by Kidnap Your Designer. In 2021, within and around the fnrs/frART research project l’animal que donc je suis, she is working on a publication in collaboration with Macklin Kowal in the academic revue Formules, a program of LOLanimales pieces in collaboration with Renaud Giuliano and Clyde Lepage at the Fiminco Foundation in Romainville and the Les Limbes gallery in Saint-Étienne (curators: Lucile Haute and Hélène Gughenheim), as well as a research residency with Damien Petitot and Gaëtan Rusquet… She also teaches installation-performance at the ERG, and, since 2019, for a university certificate in gender and sexuality at the ULB.

Clyde Lepage is a Belgian visual artist based in Brussels. In 2019, she graduated from ESA Le Septantecinq with a Bachelor’s degree in photography with great distinction. She is currently studying at ESA l’ERG, in the Master performance and installation program. Her documentary photographic work has been published and exhibited, notably at the LUMIX Festival for Young Visual Journalism in Hanover in 2020, and at the Centre Culturel de Namur/Abattoirs de Bomel, where she was invited for a residency during the summer of 2020. Her performative work La position des coudes (or a feminist response to manspreading) won 1st prize at the competition “Female Symbols and Urban Space” organised by Maison Amazone, Brussels. It has since been exhibited several times and disseminated during the program STRIDING BODIES: Procession in Performance Art, organised by Hector Canonge, for the international performance art network INPA in December 2020.

Alexane Sanchez (1997, France) obtained a Master’s degree in painting, performance option at La Cambre in 2020. She performed Souviens-toi at the Trouble Festival in 2019 and Parade in the Écho/Écart programme in September 2020 at KANAL – Centre Pompidou Brussels. Her explorations focus on the relationship between that which is human and its inherent animality. Expressive media such as painting, drawing and performance enable her to interweave a network where the living can metaphorically flourish. From this perspective, her body is the instrument offering an embodiment or energy source for her thoughts. The gestures, colours, forms and raw materials used enable her to question the living’s modes of existence, the relationships woven between each being, as well as the metamorphoses that can therein germinate, in the image of a pensée sauvage that restores, albeit only metaphorically, an intense form of alterity.

As an artist and practitioner of Ericksonian hypnosis, Marie Lisel’s research has led her to experiment with a diversity of trances, spontaneous movement and sound, synesthesia, gender fluidity, animal connections, relationships to transitional objects, creation under hypnosis, the dreamlike journey of transformation, ritual. She conducts research and artistic creations (Léa Drouet, Gaëtan Rusquet, Violaine Lochu…) in various locations (Wiels, KASK, Balsamine, Museum of Toulouse, nemo biennial, FRAC Lorraine, théâtre des Amandiers…) and on the radio-waves (RTBF, RTS, France Culture…).


2021/07/101100 10.07.2021
11:00 > 16:00
Maison Amazone, Brussels

All meetings will be in french.

To purchase a ticket for the conference only, click here. 

The conference is also available online. 

In partnership with Amazone as well as with Lucille Calmel as part of her research project l’animal que donc je suis (performance art with-by-for animals); in collaboration with ESA Le 75, ENSAV La Cambre, ESA ERG. With the support of the Fond de la recherche en art­­––fond national de recherche scientifique, and of the Commission des Arts Plastiques de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.

(1+1) > 2

TROUBLE #12 : 18 > 22/04/2023

One plus one equals much more than two.

The 2021 Festival has adopted this equation, the magnitude of which has been shown to us– by default­– through lockdowns and forced social distancing, and made of it its heart: by placing itself under the sign of the double, by bringing together proposals for pairs/duos/couples, made by artists regularly working together, or by those momentarily reunited––or by showing pieces that depend upon the contribution of the other-spectator. While performance art is more often than not one of the solitary individual, our aim with this festival is to show how an encounter with the other generates far more than the simple addition of two values, in order to create a new one.


In partnership with: KANAL – Centre Pompidou, Mahmoud Darwich Chair / BOZAR, Atelier de création sonore radiophonique, ENSAV – La Cambre, Lucille Calmel / l’animal que donc je suis (Research project FRArt – FNRS), Ateliers Mommen, PointCulture Bruxelles, GC Ten Noey, Musée Charlier, Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles à Paris, Calame, Fabrik, le Septantecinq, Amazone, SNCB. Special projects support: Finnish Cultural Institute, Institut français (dans le cadre de EXTRA, un programme de l’Ambassade de France), Scotland House.



The Performance Event in Brussels is Back!

Launched in 2005, TROUBLE has ever since been the international performance event in Brussels. As of 2019, Studio Thor has been organising and producing the Festival, with its studio and environs in the heart of the city’s popular commune of Saint-Josse serving as its nerve centre. TROUBLE is held every two years, in the odd years.



Trouble: philosophy

TROUBLE has retained the ingredients that ensured its previous successes. With its dense and wide-ranging program, the five-day long event focuses on numerous artistic proposals that are both out-of-the-ordinary and differ from routine formats. Performances involving the human body, yet created by artists whose roots are in the visual arts, contemporary dance, experimental theatre, oral poetry, music or the night scene… for a vibrant mix of artistic families and audiences. Instead of spectacle/s meant for mere consumption, real-life experiences are on offer: self-involvement, risk-taking, vulnerability, interactivity, finely balanced between local personalities and artists from elsewhere–– and often discoveries. To ensure a more diverse vision of art, our program gives pride of place to women, queers, racialized and minority groups. We also offer a platform to young artists, thanks to the collaboration with the performance course at Brussels’s renowned visual arts school La Cambre (ENSAV). While the Festival incorporates a demanding reflective aspect, it by no means excludes an engaging playful dimension!

Box Office

Given the limited slots due to the sanitary condition, a reservation is obligatory for each performance. Booking is accessible from every performance page, or here, starting from the 21st June 2021.


Festival pass: 40€ (30€ for students, -25 years old, unemployed). The festival pass gives you access to all the festival’s performances. Access to the booking here. 

1 Day pass: 10€ (for students, -25 years old, unemployed). The 1 Day pass gives you access to all the performances of the day you selected. Access to the booking here. 

Price per performance: 5€ via the dedicated performance page

Free price for the selection FRAGILE, A Different North, Commémorations Préventives and Playing Adults. 

Some performances happen on the same day, at the same place, and are following eachother. If you would like to attend both performances, you can purchase a “pack” to a beneficial price. This fee applies to the duos of performances Je t’ai laissé m’envoler/Pockets (on the 7th july); Duo pour 5 guitares et 5 amplis/Héritages (on the 8th july), Tendresse Radicale Le coucher/Le lever (on the 9th and 10th july) and Carriage/Bearance/Severance (on the 07th, 10th and 11th july). Access to the booking here.

Specific reservations

Some propositions (Identité drapée, Recolage) require individual meetings and reservations. Booking is accessible via http://www.agenda.brussels, starting from 21st June 2021.



Studio Thor

49 Rue Saint-Josse, B-1210 Brussels

STIB: subway 2/6 (Madou), bus 29/63/59 (Saint-Josse), bus 57 (Gutenberg)

Villo: Place Saint-Josse station

Bicycle: thanks for attaching your bikes place Saint-Josse.

Studio Thor is the Trouble festival centre.




+32 (0)2 223 26 00


Ancien musée de Bruxelles-Nord, grand hall de Bruxelles-Nord, 1210 Brussels

Eglise du Gesú, rue Royale 165, 1210 Brussels

GC Ten Noey, rue de la Commune 25, 1210 Brussels

Infini Théâtre rue Saint-Josse 49, 1210 Brussels

KANAL – Centre Pompidou, Square Sainctelette 21, 1000 Brussels

Maison Amazone, rue du Méridien 10, 1210 Brussels

Musée Charlier, Avenue des Arts 16, 1210 Brussels

nhow Brussels Bloom, Rue Royale 250, 1210 Brussels

Parc Josaphat (Music Kiosk), 1030 Brussels (on the side of the Allée des Azalées, between the Rue Fontaine d’Amour and the Rue des Pâquerettes)

Parc Liedekerke, rue Saint-Josse 54/64, 1210 Brussels

Point Culture, rue Royale 145, 1000 Brussels

Salle Sapiens, rue du Mérinos 1, 1210 Brussels

Salons Mommen, rue de la Charité 37, 1210 Brussels

Studio Thor, rue Saint-Josse 49, 1210 Brussels


See the map of the festival’s places. 

COVID - 19

– Wearing a mask is mandatory

– Respect the minimum distance of 1m50, and avoid physical contacts

– Possibility on each place to disinfect your hands with hydroalcoolic gel

– If you have symptoms, are sick, or have been in contact with someone sick, thanks for staying at home.

– Respect in each place the signs and the direction of circulation

– The spaces will all be ventilated and disinfected before your entrance by our means

– If you want more informations, please check it here : https://www.info-coronavirus.be/fr/faq/

Last updated on the 08/06/21

COVID contact: Brahim Sahli, intendance@thor.be