As they describe themselves, an ageing lesbian and a middle-aged faggot, whose bodies normally wouldn’t find themselves sharing a bed, take the plunge and slip under the sheets for an entire night: a night to experience tenderness, a radical tenderness.
Isabelle Bats & Mathias Varenne (BE)
Isabelle Bats, after studying at INSAS, she quickly wrote non-format shows such as the sitcom Anne et Isabelle – a soap (at the Balsamine, Théâtre Océan Nord and Les Halles de Schaerbeek), Les petits ruisseaux font les grandes rivières (at Bellone, la Balsamine, Les Halles, l’L, on tour…) More recently, she created Girl/Fille at Théâtre de l’Ancre. Concurrently, she performs, solo, (Perfect Match, Smashing Hits, Blondes Make the Best Victims…) or in association with projects by Christophe Alix, Valérie Cordy and Jean-Claude Englebert, the CNES Space Observatory, Boris Dambly… Performer-dancer for Phia Ménard in Belle d’hier, she is co-curator with Mathias Varenne of the performance evenings “Crash Test” at Brass, organizer of the “Blind Tests” and “La minute burlesque/commando.” She is also the founder of the group F(s).
Mathias Varenne lives and works in Brussels. In 2008, he graduated from the Liège School of Actors and has since worked as an actor with Armel Roussel (Nothing Hurts based on Falk Richter), Pierre Megos (12 Works, creation), Lucille Calmel (Au bord du gouffre based on D. Wojnarowicz), and Wojtek Ziemilski (Prolog, creation). As creator of his own scenic objects and performances, he focuses his research work on provocative themes (sexuality, love, sexual minorities, etc.) with particular attraction to the art of sound poetry. He notably created La Preuve in June 2014 at BRASS de Forest and at the Théâtre de Liège and more recently presented his project Hurler sous la lune at the Kunstenfestival des arts in 2019. Over four years, he has co-curated “Crash-test” with his colleague Isabelle Bats, an event dedicated to performance art. He is deeply interested in collective creative works and in artists who breach their denominations (those who claim to be at once actors, dancers, performers, authors, painters…), he takes pleasure in questioning the notion of medium and posture.
2021/07/092130 |
09.07.2021 21:30 Salon Mommen, Brussels Réservations |
2021/07/092230 |
09.07.2021 22:30 > 09:00 Online, The Internet Réservations |
2021/07/100900 |
10.07.2021 09:00 Salon Mommen, Brussels Réservations |
21h30 : le coucher. 23h à 9h : la nuit. 9h : le lever (possible entry from 8.30am, a breakfast is served).
Isabelle’s and Mathias’ Night will be available on streaming.
Purchase here a beneficious pack for Le coucher/Le lever at 7,50€.
Limited slots for “le coucher” and “le lever”.
In collaboration with Ateliers Mommen.