The body is a social jar, filled from the beginning to the end of our existence. How can we give substance to all the memory traces that condition our behavior?
This performance attempts to make a “state of the body”, a kind of autopsy of our voluntary cognitive memory (learning, education, language, etc.) and our involuntary bodily memory (events often forgotten), to make the invisibility of different forms of heritage visible.
The artist is tied to a wall by the wrists and ankles, facing front, naked. Blindfolded. A tattooist faces him, with his back to the audience. Markers are made available to visitors. They decide to intervene by marking a shape, a word, a sign, etc. on the tattooist’s back. The tattooist, using his or her blind sensation, attempts to reproduce the visitor’s gesture, according to his or her feelings and blind visibility, in the form of a real tattoo on the artist’s skin. And this for an indeterminate period of time.
In this way, the artist’s body becomes the medium, a receptacle. The tattooist, the transmission tool. The public, the transmitter.
NAVOSKI (he, him) was born on June 27, 2000 in Seraing. Cause of birth: a defective IUD. The child he was left him with little or nothing. A few rare memories come back to him: the little pirate looking for treasure. An art student since 2016, graduating in 2019 from Saint-Luc de Liège in photography, he continued his studies at the Beaux-arts de Liège in videography. He works mainly in photography, performance and writing.
2024/04/252000 |
25.04.2024 20:00 > 23:30 La Balsamine, Brussels Réservations |
In the framework of “Time For Live Art”. Project co-funded by the European Union (Creative Europe programme).
Durational and participative performance. Entry and exit is possible