How can we disregard the labels with which we’ve been branded ? How can we ignore the shackles and norms in which we find ourselves stuck? How can we be ourselves in a world where everyone is expected to live up to expectations, fit into boxes, into well-defined moulds?
Les soeurs h et Maxime Bodson (BE/CH)
Totale Eclipse is a multi-generational performance bringing together a ten year-old girl and her father in person, her grandparents by video transmission, her mother and aunt through writing and images in order to dust off the shackles and propose fresh alternatives to get outside of the box.
Combining fragmented textualities, experimental videos and disconcerting live music, soeurs h and Maxime Bodson’ performances are incomparable. Yet beyond the ever-present irony and their playful aspects, the message is clear: it is about living, and doing so without compromise. Beyond the clichés and stereotypes specific to each age-group, which concern us all, Totale Eclipse demonstrates how nothing is sacrosanct.
Since 2011, Les soeurs h have been developing a multidisciplinary artistic practice, creating hybrid narrative spaces halfway between the visual arts and stage work, but also by way of sound experiments via their collaboration with musician Maxime Bodson. Floating visual universes, textual superimpositions, “surreal” figures and climates impose a singular temporality, a reading and listening that destabilise the obvious image/text/sound relationship.
“Totale Eclipse” is their sixth joint production since 2012.
VIDEO (Camille Meynard)
2023/04/191900 |
19.04.2023 19:00 > 20:00 Studio Thor, Brussels Réservations |
- Performance, acting, composition and live music: Augusta Bodson, Maxime Bodson.
- Lighting: Laurence Halloy.
- Writing and video: Les sœurs h (Isabelle Henry and Marie Henry).
Duration: 55′
A PointCulture, Mortimer and Les soeurs h co-production.
In partnership with the Delta (Namur).
With the support of Pro Helvetia, Swiss Arts Council.